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  • info-ucg@utilitarianconferences.com


Mr. Carl Dowling

Title: Is there a correlation with where or how the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine is delivered in young adults, which increases the...

Dr. Sahar Mohmed

Title: Review and Comparison of International Breast Cancer Screening GuidelinesBiography: DR. Sahar Mohmed is HAAD licensed ,FRCEM primary , educator, ,AHA...

Ms. Maria Sheila Zarsadiaz

Title: Patient-centric wellness from the heart, where the healing manifests naturallyBiography: Since December 1997, She has been working abroad, principally in...

Dr. Rahma Al Awlaqi

Title: Highlights on Healthcare Management & Safety Challenges During Covid-19 Pandemic

Ms. Amal Ibrahim

Title: Improvement in The Address of Chronic Non Communicable Diseases in Palestine, Through Research, Application of Innovative Protocols, Capacity Building and...

Dr. Karen E. Hunter

Title: EHR Optimization: Project Value Hunter

Ms. Athmar Alherz

Title: Opportunities and Challenges for Health Informatics and Health Information Management Professions in KSABiography: Senior Health Informatics specialist working in the...

Dr. Anurag Nair

Title: Ayurveda-"A New Age Of Wellness"Biography: Dr. Anurag has a background in Modern Medicine and  is an advocate for Research backed Complementary...