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  • info-ucg@utilitarianconferences.com


Dr. Evangelia Michailidou

Title: Human Error And Management In Gynecological And Obstetric CasesBiography: From Queens University in Kingston, Canada, Caroline has earned a Master...

Ms. Annette Van Ginkel

Ttile: Non Compliance In Type 1 Diabetics Treatment PlanBiography: Ms. Annette Van Ginkel is health and wellness coach, diabetic educator, brain...

Dr Jimena Alvarez del Castillo Gonzalez

Title: Evaluation and Improvement of the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed surgical safety checklist for adults used in pediatric patients at...

Dr. Samy Abu Shawish

Title: Healthcare Providers and Beneficiaries’ Perspectives about Patient Safety at UNRWA Health Centers in GazaBiography: Samy Soliman Ali Abu Shawish...

Mr. Rami Alkhleitit

Title: The importance of training medical team on the electronic health record system EHRBiography: Health Informatics Specialist, working as HIM System...